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UV Behavior of Scattering Amplitudes from Double-Copy Consistency - Nicolas H. Pavao (Northwestern, SLAC)


Abstract: The modern S-matrix program has seen many triumphs -- one of which is the discovery of color-kinematics duality, and associated double-copy construction, whereby gravity = (gauge theory)^2. Traditionally the double copy is praised for efficient construction of gravitational S-matrix elements at high orders in perturbation theory, by way of simpler perturbative gauge theory building blocks. In this talk, we will find that color-kinematics duality can also be used to inform the high energy behavior of effective field theories. In our approach, UV information about gauge/gravity effective field theories can be recovered from double-copy consistency conditions between the IR Wilson coefficients in the full EFT expansion. Furthermore, we'll see that the spectrum of UV massive modes consistent with these constraints can be recovered using Padé extrapolation, a standard method in the resurgence literature.


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