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Road to Minimal WIMPs - Rodolfo Capdevilla (Fermilab)


Abstract: Minimal Dark Matter (MDM) models extend the Standard Model (SM) by introducing an electroweak multiplet, whose neutral component $\chi_0$ serves as a dark matter (DM) candidate. The multiplet can be a doublet (Higgsino-like), triplet (Wino-like), and beyond. Direct Detection (DD) and Indirect Detection (ID) searches can probe significant portions of the parameter space in these models, particularly under the assumption that $\chi_0$ accounts for 100% of the DM in the universe (the thermal target). Collider searches aim to produce the charged members of the multiplet, $\chi^+$, which then decay into $\chi_0$ and a charged SM particle. These searches are more effective when $\chi_0$ accounts for a fraction of the DM in the universe, as this leads to a lower mass multiplet compared to the thermal target, increasing the production cross sections. This creates an interesting complementarity between DD, ID, and collider searches. In this talk, I discuss the role that present and future colliders can play in discovering MDM. Specifically, I show how a muon collider with just 3 TeV of energy can discover the elusive Higgsino-like state up to its thermal target using a Soft Track search. As the collider energy increases, larger multiplets become accessible. A 10 TeV muon collider could discover the Wino-like state up to its thermal target by searching for Disappearing Tracks (DT). Finally, DT searches at a 10 TeV muon collider can probe quintuplet masses up to 10% of the thermal target. These results indicate an interesting path ahead towards the discovery of the long standing minimal WIMP models.


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