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Abstract: Light scalar fields are well motivated dark matter candidates, as they commonly arise as pseudo-Goldstone bosons and their abundance is set by the...
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Abstract: In this talk I'll review an old result from machine learning theory that relates infinite neural networks and generalized free field theories. With...
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Abstract: Heavy (bottom and charm) quarks are ideal probes of the nonperturbative dynamics of confinement, since heavy quarks effectively serve as static color sources...
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Abstract: Supernova theory and the numerical modeling, in particular in 3D, have achieved remarkable progress over the past 10 years. This progress has permitted...
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Abstract: In this talk, I will review the basic idea of the polytopes/geometries of amplitudes in the quantum field theory and show that how...
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Abstract: The groundbreaking discovery of the neutron star merger event GW170817 ushered in a new era of multimessenger astrophysics. One key observation was the...
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Abstract: In recent years the possibility of a high energy muon collider has garnered renewed interest. For any future collider, measuring the properties of...
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Abstract: Massless chiral excitations can arise from the interactions between a fermion and an axion string, propagating along the string and allowing it to...
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Abstract: I will discuss 2 -> 2 scattering in the regime where the wavelength of the scattered objects is comparable to the impact parameter...
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