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Abstract: Dark matter may annihilate into final states including positrons, which would appear as peaked signatures in the local cosmic-ray positron flux. Using a...
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Abstract: While sub-GeV dark matter (DM) is a well-motivated possibility, its detection in the lab remains challenging. Celestial objects can serve as a complementary...
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Abstract: Gravitational microlensing is a powerful probe of non-luminous massive objects. It provides a unique window into macroscopic dark matter, as well as elusive...
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Abstract: Dark matter that accumulates in compact stars can have a number of observable effects, including thermal emission from the surface of neutron stars...
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Abstract: The near equality of the dark matter and baryon energy densities is a remarkable coincidence, especially when one realizes that the baryon mass...
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Abstract: The modern S-matrix program has seen many triumphs -- one of which is the discovery of color-kinematics duality, and associated double-copy construction, whereby...
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Abstract:   I will provide a brief overview of how axial vector form factors are calculated using lattice QCD and explain the major issues...
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Abstract: Simple hidden sector theories can give rise to interacting dark matter involving multiple particle species and long-range interactions, such as atomic dark matter...
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Abstract: In this talk, I will describe a new simulation-based method in extracting physics from 3D galaxy distributions in the late Universe. This method...
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